Knitting Socks with Hand Dyed Yarn: How to avoid color inconsistency in a pair of socks

I have knitted tons of pairs of socks using hand dyed yarn (dyed by myself and others). And you are lucky if your finished socks are matching in colors. From my experience of knitting socks using hand dyed yarn, I came up with a tactic to avoid irregularity in the pair of socks you are knitting. I know, I know, it's not an alternating yarn technique. Alternating two balls of yarn is one way to tackle this problem, but it's a bit fiddly when you come to the heel section. 

Currently, my favorite way of knitting socks is the cuff down with a heel gusset and working one at a time. In fact, I used to be the toe up two at a time sock knitter! Favorite techniques change over time. Thus, I don't divide the skein into two balls now. But how can I have a matching pair if I don't divide the yarn into 2 balls? When I knit the first sock up to the heel section, I rest it on a waste yarn or DPNs, and break the yarn. Then, with the same yarn I start knitting the other sock up till the heel section. Often I use a contrasting color for heels, but when I don't use a contrasting color, I continue working on the heel making with the same yarn, and break it. Switch the yarn to the first sock and continue knitting. Repeat for the other sock till it's done. I know this sounds fiddly too but believe it or not, it also combats the second sock syndrome!

Since I knit my socks this way, there's no more issues with a finished pair of socks knitted with hand dyed yarn. If you know other creative solutions, please let me know! I'm more than happy to learn new ideas. Thank you for reading❤️

手染め糸で編む靴下 〜一足の色合いをマッチさせる方法〜





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